Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wish we had a shot at Bismack Biyombo


* Strong body for his age
* Great physical condition (4.8 percent body fat)
* Incredible wingspan and reach for his size (7-foot-7 wingspan and 9-foot-3 standing reach)
* Explosive jumper, rebounder and shot-blocker
* Strong offensive rebounder; aggressive to the ball
* Tenacious defender
* Runs the floor well, rim to rim
* Vocal leader; very mature for his age


* Offensive game away from the basket
* Limited range
* Free-throw shooting

So from what I've gathered through scouting reports and YouTube, Bismack is pretty much the second coming of Ibaka. He's a smart kid too. Says his favorite players are KG and Kevin Love. Funny to think that he's the same exact height as Big Baby, but that ridiculous wing span raises his stock far above that of other athletes his height. Almost makes you feel like height is somewhat overrated, as I saw on one scouting report that his size was listed as a weakness. Why is that? Are you supposed to block shots with your face?

Theres no possible way he slips far enough for us to grab him and I haven't heard any rumors about us trading up but he would fill a need and make an impact, possibly right away under the tutelage of his idol. It's nice to dream.

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