Monday, March 14, 2011

I don't like Dirty Sanchez but this was cool

Posting this makes me feel sick. Like I'm still debating whether or not to delete this and come up with another idea.

But separating myself from the fact that he plays for the Jets, the most egotistical, arrogant group of individuals not named Lebron, this is a pretty cool catch.

I'd LOVE to say that I could do this but I'd probably be lying. In 100 tries I could maybe get lucky once and sort of pull it off. But with my arthritic thumb I'm just not what I once was.

Alex Carr's to blame for that. If he didn't have such a good arm I'd still have two usable thumbs. Now I'm down to one. Or one and a half. That and the ability to speak is all that separates me from being a primate.

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