Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Everythings going as planned

Randy did an interview with a Minnesota radio station today and let it be know that he is still very much infatuated with Tommy and Coach Belichick.

His exact quote is this, "If you ask me where my heart and where I'm happy is ... I love Tom Brady and I love playing for coach Belichick."

All this really means is that nothing has changed. We knew all this already, going back to that post-game interview where he talked about the Pats and left them with a salute.

Of course the real question is whether or not we will consider re-signing Randy "the handful" Moss. My answer is that of course we will. That has obviously been the evil genius plan from the start. We get another third round pick for nothing, which in turn helps us get Deion Branch to return. Don't be surprised if we find a way to reel Asante back to Patriot Place.

A re-energized and re-focused Randy Moss taking the top of defenses while White Wes, Deion, Hebrew Hammer, Taylor Price, and Tate take advantage. Cue one clap.

This is gonna be a fun ride.

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