Friday, April 1, 2011


Can't say enough about how exciting it was to see the Celts come out and play this well. I know I wrote a blog about how it's not time to panic yet, but I wanted to make sure most of the players agreed with me.

Early in this one it was clear the Spurs wanted it badly. Having lost their last four (mostly playing without their version of the Big 3) they were looking to get back on track and ensure they don't lose the top seed to the Lakers, who are playing incredible basketball right now.

The Spurs used their effective ball movement to find seams in the Celtics defense. Bonner and Jefferson knocked down some threes. Tony Parker started his own personal in-game layup line. But the lead never stretched much further than five it seemed. Whenever they would get a little run going the Celtics would scrap back and find a way to keep it close.

Although there were plenty of players vying for this title, the MVP of the game was easily Rajon Rondo. He finished with 22 points, 14 assists, and 5 rebounds. He was getting wherever he wanted on the floor and gave us a little glimpse of what it would be like if he had a consistent, reliable jumper. In my opinion he'll get to a point where teams will learn to fear that mid-range game of his, and that will just open up more driving and passing lanes for him to pick apart. That's why I still get excited every time I see that overplayed "It's all about 18, Rondo is the Future" commercial. Don't hand over the "Best PG in the Eastern Conference" award over to Derrick Rose quite yet.

Rondo was aggressive. And when Rondo is aggressive that opens up our entire offense. We were moving the ball so well. Swinging it from one side of the court to the other, never allowing the Spurs to catch up. When our point guard sets that pace it means everyone is going to get good looks. They shot 54%. Big Baby was knocking down shots, chipping in 16 off the bench. He really deserves heavy consideration for 6th man of the year award.

Any other night Paul Pierces game would have been the headline. He was 3 assists shy of a triple double (21 points, 7 assists, 11 rebounds). P Twice is definitely having one of the most efficient scoring years of his career. When it's all said and done he should be known as the best pure scorer in Celtics history. He showed he may one day deserve that amount of respect, knocking down shots when we needed them, and just making that extra effort you need to win big games. He came crashing in to grab rebounds, and his tip-in off his own missed layup showed how bad he wanted this one.

KG also had a strong game with 20 points and 9 rebounds. But what the hell was Chris Webber doing talking about KG's knee at halftime? Are you kidding? We have a tie game here, playing our best basketball in several games, and you want to bring up an injury that happened over two years ago? Sounds like someones bitter they aren't still in the league. Way to call that timeout bro.

Our execution was superb. Really does look like they were just kind of bored the last few games. Maybe all they wanted was a challenge. Shows they still have that ability of flip that switch. I wish they'd keep it on full power but as long as they're ready for the playoffs I'm not complaining. The less skilled and more dead of the O'Neal's returned last night and looked solid in 12 minutes, 2-2 field goals, 5 points. Danny Ainge came on WEEI and said he worked out with Shaq and expects him back either Sunday or Tuesday. Honestly, I'll believe it when I see it. That being said, I'd prefer to see him Tuesday. It will be great to have him for the Bulls game and the Miami game. Those will both be huge.

All in all I'm excited about what we have going on here. All smiles from me. Plus the Sox are about to start. Leggo.

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