Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm confused

Games not even over right now but I'm already starting this blog. All four people at this Indians game right now are chanting "0-4!"

Wait. What? Like we haven't won a game yet?

Ok now hold on we have a little life. Lil Dusty was already on board and Youkah just walked. Most clutch hitter in Sox history coming to the plate. Something good has got to happen right? I can't deal with any more stats about like how many playoff teams ever started 0-4. It's too depressing.

This heavily bearded pitcher can't find the plate at all right now. 2-0 count. Hitters count. If I said I wasn't nervous I'd be lying. Lil Dusty just stole third. Why? Don't know if I get that one.

Papi swung 3-0! Oh man I don't know if I like that. He did get a good pitch to hit but still.

You gotta be kidding me. I'm done.

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