Sunday, February 13, 2011

BIG win... not in the sense of gaining weight but like... COLOSSAL

3-0 against the Super-Friends so far. That feels nice. Even after convincingly shutting them down the first two times we faced them, people still felt the need to talk about how we were "primed" to drop one here. Especially the ABC broadcast crew. I don't know how much more I can take of Breen, Van-Gundy, and Mark Jackson. They were so Pro-Heat it was unbelievable. When a foul was called on a Celtics player they would discuss how a technical should have been called for their reaction, and show multiple replays of said reaction. When a foul was NOT called on a Celtics player they would show replays and point out where they thought the foul was committed. Van-Gundy actually tried to turn Wade's flagrant foul into a positive for the Heat. "You know, that was a good play there by the Celtics, but an even better message was sent by Wade." What message is that? Here's two free points and possession? Give me Mike and Tommy any day of the week.

The C's did struggle coming out of the gate, shooting below 30 percent. But as we've seen time and time again it was their defense that kept the game close. I was especially impressed with how active their hands were. In total they forced 15 Miami Heat turnovers. Donny Marshall loves to talk about how deflections should be an official stat, as they can be so telling in how effective as defense is. That held true in this game.

The Celtics also did a stellar job of closing down the lanes to the basket. Their defensive rotations were always on time and their pick and roll defense frustrated Lebron most of the game. Dwyane Wade continues to struggle against us. Feels like he hasn't played well against us since Game 4 in that playoff series where he scored like 46 or whatever it was. He's averaging like 12 points against us this year.

Seriously though this WAS a golden opportunity to the Heat. With a win they would have been a game and a half ahead of us for first place in the East. Instead, we're back on top. We pretty much hobbled into this game. Really, only seven players got substantial playing time (Avery Bradley went in for the last few seconds of the first quarter and Nate Rob only played 5 minutes). Paul had his worst shooting night since middle school (after the game he said that was because of hand and foot injuries and that he'll be getting an MRI monday) but still the Heat couldn't get it done.

As usual Rondo was the catalyst. The spark plug. I love everything about the way he played today, including that stunt he pulled trying to snoop around by the Heat's huddle. He was aggressive all game long. He created the pace we needed. You could actually hear him on TV imploring his teammates to get him the ball so he could hurry it up court. It seems like whenever we really need a win bad, Rondo has a huge game and ends up with a triple double. Love him. Moving on.

KG also had a solid game. Brought his usual intensity, defensive presence. Chipped in 19 points and tried to be more of a post presence which is always appreciated.

Vonny Wafer was so big in this game. If he can contribute the way he did to me he will definitely ease the loss of Marquis Daniels. He more than held his own on defense, was able to finish on the break, and hit two dagger threes. I'm on board the Von Wafer train. But I'm also for decreasing his minutes when Delonte returns. Which should be soon by the way. That will be such a big help. D West is the X factor down the stretch in my opinion.

Just one more game against New Jersey before the Black Super Bowl, or as it shall be known henceforth: Blake Griffin Weekend.

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