Friday, January 28, 2011


I don't know if I've had a single post about the Sox and I'm too lazy to check. But either way it's about time.

We all know Theo made some moves this offseason. Some serious moves. But with all the hubbub about the Patriots and the Celtics some of my excitement was pushed to the side.

Last year Theo said that we were going to go through a bit of a "bridge year." At the time I hated that idea. I wasn't buying the whole improved defense thing. Mike Cameron? Come on, we saw how that worked out. So yeah, it definitely was a bridge year. But the bridge might have just led to another World Series title.

Theo had been wanting Adrian Gonzalez for years. He first made a serious run at him around that same trade deadline where we eventually received Victor Martinez. But our favorite GM showed some patience. He didn't panic and give away too much. He didn't have to part with Ellsbury, Lester, or Buchholz. Instead, he waited until the Padres had to make a difficult choice. Trade Gonzalez for some prospects or watch him walk away in free agency.

Sure that Casey Kelly guy looked promising. But Adrian Gonzalez is one of the premier sluggers in the majors right now. His swing is literally flawless. It's almost as if Fenway Park was designed specifically for this man. His home run totals are going to increase with the short porch in right, and he's going to hit a silly amount of doubles off the monster. I'm giddy.

Carl Crawford. This signing caught me by surprise. Obviously I knew we were INTERESTED in him but like who wasn't. The guy is an athletic freak. He can hit for power, hit for average, run the bases like the tasmanian devil, and cover the entire outfield by himself. I remember that night, I was just getting back to the room, flipped on the computer and there he was, on the cover of ESPNBOSTON.COM, grinning at me. The Gonzalez acquisition made our lineup more potent, the Crawford addition makes it downright terrifying.

Let's talk lineups. Here's what I want.

Scutaro/that guy who got mono

Tito is right. Our offense is at its best when we have Ellsbury starting things off for us. I LOVE Crawford at the 2 spot. He will literally never hit into a double play. Actually, Ellsbury and Crawford will turn potential double plays into 1st and 2nd situations or 2nd and 3rd with an errant throw. They create all sorts of bunt scenarios, hit and run scenarios. That'll be fun to watch. Now, Pedroia hitting third. Laser Show. Enough said. Gonzalez hitting cleanup, thats a no-brainer. Youk at the 5.... yikes. Big Papi is hitting 6th on this team. That just goes to show how deep this squad is. The most clutch hitter in the history of our national past-time is batting 6th. And after that its whatever. I don't even care. Let Wakefield hit. Doesn't matter. We're gonna lead the league in runs.

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