Friday, December 2, 2011

John Hollinger makes me think too much

I've been doing my best to convince myself that being an ESPN insider is worth it. Sometimes I think John Hollinger has never watched a hoops game in his life, like when he said that Jeff Green isn't a good athlete. But I had to give him props today for this trade proposal that would bring Chris Paul to Beantown:

Chris Paul and Trevor Ariza to Boston; Rajon Rondo, Avery Bradley, and Emeka Okafor to Indiana; Brandon Rush, Darren Collison, Paul George, Roy Hibbert, Glen Davis and Boston's first round pick in 2012 to New Orleans.

That would mean our starting lineup would look like this: Chris Paul, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Jermaine O'Neal (or a center to be signed later)

One of our biggest issues from the past several seasons would be taken care of with athletic wings Jeff Green and Trevor Ariza coming off the bench. Those two could spell Pierce and Allen for long stretches during this compressed schedule. It even could give them the flexibility to sit one of them down for a game or two, especially during one of those dreaded back to back to backs. In my opinion that's the most exciting part of this hypothetical deal, as saving those two for the playoffs is a huge priority.

Now I want to compare Chris Paul and Rondo head to head. Is Chris Paul a better point guard right now? Yes. An All-Star year after year, Paul is everything you want in a point guard. An elite play creator, he also has the ability to create his own offense. He can get to the basket almost as consistently as Rondo can. The biggest difference between the two offensively is obviously the jump shot. Paul can stretch the floor and knock down the three.

Rondo, however is a superior rebounder and defender. His long arms and other-worldly quickness allow him to create havoc in the passing lanes and sneak in behind big men for rebounds. He is a more creative (and sometimes more effective) passer. He's also much more physically gifted than Paul. But with that gift comes just as much unknown. If he could become a more consistent shooter than he has the potential to make a Derrick Rose like leap into superstardom.

If they could add a solid defensive minded center to that roster proposed by Hollinger, that team would run right through the Eastern Conference. Plus there is the idea that the addition of Chris Paul would lure Dwight Howard to Boston.

But if you asked me what my preference would be, I'd say as a Celtics fan it would be more exciting and fulfilling to watch Rondo explode on the rest of the league, and go on a sort of revenge tour against everyone who doubted him. This is the same guy who tried to win a playoff series with his completely broken left elbow flopping alongside him. He deserves our loyalty.

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