Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Randy would Un-Retire... But only for the Patriots

I love hearing this. Randy was practically begging to come back the second we shipped him to Minnesota. We won this breakup. Randy knew he was never going to have it as good as he did in #heaven.

He's a proud man and theres no doubt he wants to rekindle that magic of 07. An entire season dedicated to Myra Kraft is just the catalyst he needs. The Krafts welcomed Randy into our family with all his faults, and gave him the opportunity to rejuvenate his career.

Tom said he would welcome him back. Could it actually happen? Theres always a chance. Bill has never shied away from giving former players another go around. Let's say its Week 3. Ocho still doesn't have that chemistry with Tommy. Branch isn't getting any separation. Cue the music...

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