Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Association: Episode 4

Just a few notes from the latest installation of the Association.

- interesting look at the C's on their West Coast trip. Paul and KG note that's how a lot of camaraderie is formed.

- Doc and Ray hit the golf course to get away from basketball for a little bit. I'm not sure what type of pants Ray went with here. Looked like he had some golf shorts on, realized it was a bit nippy, then threw on some fresh sweatpant type things.

- I always love the inside looks at the locker rooms, no homo. I've always wanted to be in there and just see what it's like. My junior year when we went to the State Championship for football and played at Gillete, we got to change in the Revolution's locker room. Even that was pretty cool. Obviously would've been much better to be in the Pat's locker room but I'll take what I can get.

- I'd heard about the PB and J ritual back in 2007. I'm pretty sure it was KG who got this started here. Really though, you can never go wrong with PB and J. Easy on the stomach. Won't have to worry about it bouncing around in there come game time. That's what I've always found.

- How weird was it to hear Doc swear like that? Obviously it was censored but that come outta no where. Even watching games on TV I have NEVER seen Doc mouth a swear before, even after a terrible call. He rattled off like three in a row, right in Semih's grill about giving up a rebound off a free throw.

- I loved every single thing about Ray's speech. That was one of the best moments the cameras had caught all year. He pretty much gathered everyone up and talked about how everyone they talk to in the locker room at the All-Star game, they all fear us because of the way we play defense. He singled out Miami. I loved that. Then he stressed the importance of finishing out the season strong (tossing a side note out there that the Warriors don't belong on the same floor as us...ow).

- Rondo's background on his Iphone is himself dunking over Chris Bosh.

- love that shot of KG, Perk, and Rondo swagging their way out for shootaround.

- Everyone was clearly on edge at the shootaround, worried about what would happen with the trade deadline.

- Gotta love Nate Rob's nonchalant attitude about the whole thing. That dude is so even-keeled and consistent as a person. I do miss him.

- The clip of Doc right before game time is tough to see. Puffy red eyes, he's clearly been crying. The news of the trade tore me up inside, I can't even imagine what it must have been like to inform Perk he was being sent packing.

- Completely silent locker room after that loss to the Nuggets.

- Doc talks about his goodbye with Perkins, saying that they looked at it as more of a father-son relationship then a player and his coach. These guys were together for 8 long years.

- the scene with Perk in his hotel room absolutely killed me inside. Still wearing his Celtics shirt from shootaround, he was sitting on his bed watching ESPN talk about the trade. Poignant moment.

- Jeff Green seems like a great fellow. I feel like we'd get along him and I.

- Interesting point about how tough a spot he's in, trying to fit in with the guys while they're still dealing with the emotions of Perk being gone.

- Big Baby's not quite there with the beach bod

- Thank goodness Avery Bradley provided some comic relief. Apparently his rookie hazing consists of going to pick up the PB and J stuff at every stop during their road trip.

- KG texts?

- Bill Walton, you crazy man, I believe in Danny Ainge too. And I believe him when he says he still made this move trying to win NOW, and that he wouldn't have done anything to jeopardize our chances. He was as big a fan of Perk as anyone and said he was in tears when he broke the news to him.

- Doc Rivers- "Our mission hasn't changed. We're gonna win the title." Boom.

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