Sunday, May 1, 2011

That hurt my eyes

Well that got my competitive juices flowing.

Just felt like every call, every loose ball, every lucky bounce went to the Miami *Heat*. It was disgusting. Nothing makes my skin crawl more than seeing Lebron getting excited. Maybe Kobe's smile.

My blackberry was being glitchy so it put up my "fluke" status, like four times. That's good though, for emphasis. SOOOOOOO many things that happened in this game are going to even out over the rest of the series. James Jones is never going to do that again the rest of his life. That was the best D Wade can play. KG is going to get more touches. And Rondo will actually be allowed to play.

I don't even feel comfortable talking about the Pierce ejection. I was beyond livid. Almost killed my dog. Both times he was fouled those could have been called flagrant. He definitely deserved the first technical but that second one can't happen. Ruined the game.

All in all I'm not concerned. Theres just so many areas the C's can improve in. In the Big 3 era we've never gone down 0-2 and I'm confident we won't this time. Unless the Heat get another fluke performance. Like Eddie House seeing the court.

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