Friday, February 18, 2011

Possible Celtics Deal?

The C's are reportedly looking to make a move before the trade deadline. Honestly can't decide where I stand on this right now. I don't agree with trading Daniels. When he's healthy he can definitely contribute. He's a solid defender and can actually chip in offensively every now and then with his herky jerky moves. I'd feel like we were kicking him to the curb if we shipped him away now that he got injured. That would be a very poor example of Ubuntu right there.

I'm also a big supporter of Nate Rob. Yes, he definitely has been struggling lately with his shots AND his shot selection. But he's always such a little pit bull on defense. I love how aggressive he is, especially when they ask him to provide a little full court pressure. And I'm confident that his shots will start to fall. He epitomizes the phrase streaky shooter. I expect him to go on a tear fairly soon. I also feel we need him as an insurance policy for Delonte. That wrist is scaring me. Long story short I just don't want to mess with our depth. That's one of our biggest strengths right now. Doc can be creative with his substitutions to find rest for Paul right? Right?

But if Danny wants to shape Marquis and Nate away for Candace Parkers brother thats his choice.

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