Thursday, January 13, 2011

Need For Sheed

Could potential surgery for the ghost of Jermaine O'Neal mean the return of Sheed? There have been rumors about Sheed wanting to return since his retirement began. He's visited the locker room, been to practices, so he's definitely acting like he's got the itch to get out there. He's a competitive guy and I think he wants another crack at the Lakers.

Personally, I would take Sheed over the ghost of Jermaine in a heartbeat. I think he's just as good a defender. He did a good job of bodying up Dwight Howard when it was needed and he can rebound when he puts his mind to it.

That's really the whole thing with Sheed. Will he put his mind to it? Because when he does he can still be a very valuable player in this league. He can score in bunches, rebound, and contribute a lot of energy. But would he buy into it enough to do that night in and night out? I think he would at this point. A full NBA season is a grueling experience to endure. As a veteran it's a lot easier to just start coasting. If we brought him in for the second half of the season I think he'd be full speed ahead. At least that's what I hope. I'm just so sick of watching the ghost of Jermaine struggle offensively. Its tough to watch.

So if I was Mr. Danny Ainge I'd contact Mr. Sheed at some point. Tell him if he limits his 3 point attempts he can come play basketball with us and win a ring.

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