Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lets play already

It feels like an eternity since the Pats last game. Theres been so much trash talk, hype, and hubbub about this game tomorrow. My emotions are all jumbled and out of whack. Its a bizarre mixture of excitement, anxiety, and just pure fun. I haven't had this feeling going into a playoff game since the-season-that-shall-not-be named, and before that in 04.

I feel good about this squadron. We create mismatches all over the field for teams like the Jets. Here are my keys to victory:

1. Ball control. The Jets are obviously going to want to keep Tom Brady off the field. Unless Rexy feels like throwing another surprise at us like last game when he tried to implement the no-huddle to start the game. Thanks again Rex. But that won't happen again. We have to shut down LT and Shonn Greene. It is vital that we shut down their running game and establish our own. Whoever wins the time of possession battle will win the game.

2. Score early and often. If we get up on this team we will have them right where we want them. After we dominated the Bears in the snow Jay Cutler said we're tough to beat because it is tough to match our offensive production. When we get up early it puts pressure on the opposing qb to make a play, and thats when turnovers happen. Sanchez has been looking shaky of late and he's ALWAYS been shaky at Gillette. 1 TD, 7 interceptions, 2 fumbles. And he'll probably be really nervous. Yikes.

3. Take away the playmakers. Last time out against the Jets our secondary did a great job of controlling Santonio Holmes, Braylon Edwards, and Dustin Keller. We need more of the same there. They need to jam Keller at the line and disrupt his routes. As far as Edwards and Holmes, they just need to demonstrate good tackling on those two. They can kill you after the catch. But they probably won't want the ball anymore after Meriweather of Patchunggggggg! lays a few good sticks on them.

4. Tom Brady

I have a great feeling about this game. It feels like such a vintage Patriots playoff game. I can't wait to see TB12 pointing at the Jets sideline after a touchdown.

Lets go.

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