Friday, December 31, 2010

Collective sigh of relief across New England

Just a calf injury. Out a few weeks. And thats conservative according to Danny Ainge. Being an optimist I always like to try and find the positive side of everything! Glass half full ya know? So my spin on this is that we'll just have to wait it out. Just playin the waiting game. Thats all. Paul Pierce might have to go back to his old ways to close out a few games but Rondos return will take some of the pressure off. Maybe we'll get a little help from the ghost of Jermaine O'Neal. Probably not though. I wonder if this is what it was like to watch the old Big 3 when they aged. It must have been pretty painful watching Larry Legend drag himself around the court in 1992 when his back was so bad that he could hardly get out of bed. At this stage in their careers every little injury hurts a little bit more and is a reminder of how much time they have left.

But thats what makes a champion. Being able to feel that pain, feel it and then decide that you won't let it affect you.

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